Saturday, June 22, 2013

Me and my husband were invited to a friends house(mikes) on June 8th. We were supposed to get the rest of the money that was owed to us for building a fence.(from Mike) When we pulled up there was another guy there. He was standing beside our friends truck. He had a gear shift in his left hand. His name is chris. My husband (bubba) pulled Mike aside to talk to him in private. They began heatedly talking. Mike shoved bubba. Bubba swong at Mike, missed him tho. Mike took him down in a bear hug. When they went down bubba was underneath Mike. Chris ran up to them and swong the weapon at bubbas head. Giving him two skull fractures which required 10 staples. He swong a second time, breaking bubbas ankle. I didn't see this contact hit because I was getting out of my car screaming for bubba to watch out. And my view was obstructed by the fence. My husband looked horrible when he stood up. He was COVERED in blood. He was hunched over, talking in one word sentences. My first thought was Chris had busted all his teeth out. (Due to a previous four wheeler accident that had a ton of blood and the way he was talking) Then Chris came at me with the weapon. I was 5 months pregnant and scared out of my mind. My children were in the car and I was terrified he was about to kill us. As nh my husband was incapacitated and unable to protect us. I feverishly searched for a weapon in the car and only found a Lowes box cutter. (Retracts on its own when not in use) I shouted at Chris to leave us alone. I begged him. I also screamed for my husband to help us. But he was incapable of helping us or himself. My husband kept falling as he tried to walk. There was something crazy in chris's eyes. And something stopped him. Thank God he did. Chris was bouncing around like a gorilla slapping his chest telling bubba to come on. And he'd kill him. I screamed for my husband to get in the car. He did. I backed up (they have a long driveway and we never left the yard) to turn the car around. When I stopped bubba got out. Mumbling. I do not recall exactly what he said. I do know that he had no weapon in his hand nor one when he went out of my sight. He was gone for less than 2 minutes. I heard no screams. No yelling. Nothing. He got in car with a hand towel/rag on his head. I said I'm taking u to the e.r. he said no. My thoughts were I need to get him home, clean the wound and asses how bad it is. Then if its bad, I would Call 911. It took approximately 15 minutes to get to our house in clover from his house in York. We arrieved home. He sat in car while I took the kids in. I then helped him in the house. He had defficated all over himself and I was in shock and worried sick. I took pictures of him. Then showered him. Then reclothed him. At that time the police arrived, guns drawn. They seen how bad bubbas wound was so the called a "bus". I left the officers to search my house and a detective was supposed to come interview us at the hospital. But never did. He was transferred to cmc in Charlotte after assessing that he was badly injured. We still weren't sure why the cops were saying Chris had gotten hurt. Later when my husband was arrested a week later we found out chris's hand had gotten cut and he was accusing my husband of doing it. Chris admitted they had been drinking and doing cocaine prior to calling us over. We also found out Chris has a rap sheet 7 pages long. He had jyst gotten out of jail.He also has 3 assault and batteries of a high and aggravated nature. (ABHAN) One he did just 2/2013....which is after he assaulted my husband. He also was arrested 5/26/2013 for public intoxication.